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Why I'm Moving Away From Perl

When doing system scripting, I historically tend to settle on Perl. This is a habit I am trying to break.

Perl is quick and dirty and gets the job done. And the scripts I've written in Perl certainly look like it. I looked at a Perl script I wrote about six years ago and... I have no idea what it's doing! I'm sure I could figure it out if I spent a few minutes going through it (including blank lines, it's only 125 lines long) but that's beyond the point. I am reminded of this joke comparing Perl and Python.

I have some Python scripts already in use. Perl's object model is painful to me and I have a hard time making use of it. So where I've decided to use objects because it makes more sense that way, I have used Python. And I find that the scripts using Python have a little more readability when read in the future. (To verify this, I looked at a script I wrote over seven years ago.)

The vast amount of existing scripts in Perl require me to continue to use it in the near term. However, as I touch the scripts less and less, the less I remember about them and, therefore, the higher the cost if I need to make changes to them for any reason. And since I would like to minimize the amount of time spent trying to reunderstand code, I think moving away from Perl makes the most sense.

What I haven't decided on is what language to use in the future. This will require further testing and gaining more experience with other languages in doing the sort of tasks I use Perl for. However, I will eventually have that experience so Perl's days are numbered.

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