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August 2009

Error message

Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in GeSHi->_optimize_regexp_list_tokens_to_string() (line 4716 of sites/all/libraries/geshi/geshi.php).

First Experiences with BDD, Cucumber, And RSpec

I've restarted the project I have been working on. The prototype code worked well enough but I don't think the code is in good shape. I didn't add any testing to the prototype and this started to cause significant problems.

I don't know when or where I first heard about RSpec or behavior-driven development. However, when I found out that a book on RSpec, the aptly titled The RSpec Book, was being published, I pre-ordered it. I have been reading the beta PDF and decided to apply it to the rewrite.

Like any new programming methodology, it takes a little bit of getting used to. It took me a few hours last night to implement a single action on a controller but I'm certain this will improve over time. (I find also that switching between the PDF and TextMate on my laptop costs time too. This is definitely a time for which having a second monitor would be useful.)

I find BDD interesting because it forces a different way of programming than I'm used to. I spend a lot of time working on the model and seem to get around to the controllers and views near the end (if ever). Instead, when writing the feature for cucumber, I have to establish what behavior should occur for the user and then make sure that the controller and view gets written for that behavior. I obviously lack the experience to make an informed decision on whether or not BDD is a better software development methodology than TDD or other testing-enhanced processes. (Any process that involves testing is, in my opinion, significantly better than any that does not.)

One omission I found in the book (or maybe I haven't looked in the right place) is that there seems to be no discussion about spec'ing routes. RSpec does have methods for it. In discussion on the rspec-users mailing list, David Chelimsky provided a link to some examples so some documentation does exist. (I've left a note in the book errata so we'll see what happens.)

An issue I found working with RSpec is that ruby script/spec spec/ works but rake rspec does not. This seems to be because the rake task is not Rails-aware while script/spec is. I haven't done much more research into it though. Since the first command works, I'll continue to use it.

Array#compact vs. checking for nil manually

In the prototype code for a project, I wrote something like:

  1. items << item if item

As is, it's not an ugly line. However, it's inside a loop that creates an object based on each line in a text file. So, to provide context:

  1. items = []
  3. filename, 'r' ) do |file|
  4.   file.each_lines do |line|
  5.     item = build_item( line.strip )
  6.     items << item if item
  7.   end
  8. end

So if the line contains one million lines, it runs that statement one million times. (As to why I'm testing, build_item may return nil if the line matches a given set of criteria.)

Array#compact returns a copy of the array with all nil elements removed from the array. (Array#compact! removes all nil elements from the current array.) Removing the if condition from the loop and adding items.compact! after the block should do the same job as what I originally wrote.

To test, I wrote this program:

  1. require 'benchmark'
  3. test_array1 =
  5. 10_000_000.times do
  6.   test_array1 << "Foo"
  7.   test_array1 << nil
  8. end
  10. test_array2 = test_array1 )
  11. test_array3 = test_array1 )
  13. new_array =
  15. do |x|
  16. '#compact' ) { test_array1.compact }
  17. '#compact!' ) { test_array2.compact! }
  18. '#delete' ) { test_array3.delete( nil ) }
  19. '#each' ) do
  20.     test_array1.each do |item|
  21.       new_array << item if item
  22.     end
  23.   end
  24. end

Running this under Ruby 1.9.1 (p243) returned these results:

      user     system      total        real
#compact  0.240000   0.100000   0.340000 (  0.336496)
#compact!  1.100000   0.120000   1.220000 (  1.218401)
#delete  3.140000   0.070000   3.210000 (  3.213278)
#each  3.130000   0.050000   3.180000 (  4.720402)

(For the curious, twenty runs of the same script returned similar numbers.)

The numbers indicate that Array#compact is significantly faster than the original code. Whether or not this optimization is needed is another matter entirely. Even for an array of twenty million elements, the difference in time is about four seconds. I suppose the difference between the two should come down to which is easier to read and understand.

I also decided to test Array#delete since items.delete( nil ) should be equivalent to item.compact!. Array#compact!, somewhat unsurprisingly, is faster although only by about two seconds. I'm not sure why Array#compact! should be almost a second slower than Array#compact.